Once Upon a time...
a little boy who was at his cousin's wedding. There were mountains of this beautiful pastry that his uncle, Alain, made especially for the occasion among many other delicacies.
the little boy loved the Canelé pastries so much, he spent the whole time at the wedding devouring them ...
Soon after the wedding, he became very passionate about the Canelés so he asked his uncle if he would send him parcels of the delicious pastry. The young boy Imagined life without Canelés to be unbearable ...
But the little boy and his family were so fond of canelés that they would not last more than a day!...
Years went by and as the little boy grew so did his appetite for more Canelés. ..so the boy contacted his uncle and asked if he would teach him and share with him his secret recipe for making such delicious Canelés..
After several years the young boy grew into a young man. He had planned to move overseas leaving his hometown in France for Melbourne, Australia.
He dreamt about making and sharing his uncle's favorite pastry Canelés, for people everywhere in Australia ...
Uncle Alain sadly passed away several years after the young mans’ move overseas.
The young man felt that his uncle would live on forever with each Canelé he baked using his secret recipe....
Uncle Alain will be remembered by his sweet legacy Canelés.
Until this day the passionate young man continues to honor his uncles recipe; bringing a dose of sweetness and pleasure to everyone....
Drawings by Grégory Cornu
Starring "The Uncle"
Alain Mûr 1944-2018
Founder of Mûr Père et Fils bakeries in Bordeaux and member of the "Confrérie du canelé de Bordeaux"
Starring "The little boy"
Architect, engineer, and passionate about canelés since a young age.